
The VHS Shed is the outside storage space where I stacked all my VHS tapes, and if became the idea for an archive of lost and forgotten VHS artwork promotional materials and trailers. Until my collection becomes sufficiently large enough to warrant its own website, I shall host it all here.

VHS posters

A collection of trade posters culled from various industry magazines.


VHS sleeves

Some truly delightful VHS sleeves, scanned from my personal collection of tapes I’ll never watch again.


VHS trailers

The section is coming soon, once I edit and upload them all

Films of the Year

Between January 1991 and December 1993 I kept a log of all the films I watched on TV, video and at the cinema. It was an authoritative a list as a 14yr oid can keep and I present it here for posterity and… ahem… free from judgement.